重要活动Important activities
09:30-10:00 开幕仪式 暨 2011年度颁奖仪式
Opening Ceremony and Annual Awards Ceremony 2011 4号馆入口处主活动区
Main activity area at the entrance of Hall 4
10:30-11:00 中国保健用品产业、保健服务产业《蓝皮书》首发仪式
Launching Ceremony of "Blue Book" for China's Health Products Industry and Health Service Industry 4号馆入口处主活动区
Main activity area at the entrance of Hall 4
Main Forum: The Second National Health Care Raw Material Development Summit
Organizer: China Health Care Association
Sponsor: Health Care Raw Material Branch of China Health Care Association, Reed Sinopharm Exhibitions Co., Ltd。
论坛时间:2011年9月17日 全天(8:30-18:00)
Forum Time: September 17, 2011
会议地点:深圳会展中心 5层菊花厅
Venue: 5th Floor, Chrysanthemum Hall, Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center
Forum Agenda:(一)9月17日上午8:30—12:00(政策法规)
(A) 8:30-12:00AM, September 17 (policies and regulations) 主持人:中国保健协会副秘书长 周邦勇
Moderator: Zhou Bangyong, Deputy Secretary-General of China Health Care Association 题目
Topic 演讲人Speaker 职务
Position 1. 我国食品添加剂的使用及管理
Use and Management of China's Food Additives 赵同刚
Zhao Tonggang 卫生部卫生监督局 原局长
中国卫生监督协会 常务副会长兼秘书长
Former Director of Ministry of Health Supervision Bureau
Executive Vice President and Secretary-General of Supervision of China Health Inspection Association 2. 我国保健食品和化妆品原材料监管重点及发展方向
Regulatory Focus and Development of China's Health Food and Cosmetics Raw Materials 张晋京
Zhang Jinjing 国家食品药品监督管理局食品许可司副司长
Deputy Director-General of Department of Food Safety Coordination of State Food and Drug Administration 3. 我国营养与保健食品工业十二五发展规划
The Twelfth Five-year Development Plan of China's Nutrition and Health Food Industry 贺燕丽
He Yanli 国家发展改革委员会产业协调司副司长
Deputy Director-General of Department of Industry Coordination of National Development and Reform Commission 4. 建立有序的原材料市场,提高科技质量、增强国际竞争力
Establishing An Orderly Raw Material Market, Upgrading Technology Quality and Enhancing International Competitiveness 温再兴
Wen Zaixing 国家商务部市场秩序司副司长
Deputy Director-General of Department of Market Supervision of Ministry of Commerce (二)9月17日下午13:30——18:00(专业技术)
(B) 1:30 - 6:00PM, September 17 (Professional Technologies) 题目
Topic 演讲人
Speaker 职务
Position 1. 蜂胶的化学成分与质量控制
Chemical Composition and Quality Control of Propolis 周立东
Zhou Lidong 中国医学科学院药用植物研究所
Institute of Medicinal Plant Development of Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences (CAMS) 2. 中药保健品原料开发与应用
Development and Application of TCM Health Care Raw Materials 待定
TBD 中国中医科学院中药研究所
Institute of Chinese Material Medical of China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences 3. 保健原料相关技术与探讨
Related Technologies and Exploration of Health Care Raw Materials 待定
TBD 待定
Summit for Constructing Chain Drug Stores and Health Marketing Innovation Platform & The Second National Chain Drug Store Procurement Fair
Sponsors: Chain Drug Store Committee of China Medical Pharmaceutical Material Association, Reed Sinopharm Exhibitions Co., Ltd., China Health Food Magazines
Organizers: Reed Sinopharm Exhibitions Co., Ltd., Beijing Yanhuang Hengtong Culture Media Co., Ltd。
Time: 01:00PM - 06:00PM, September 16, 2011
会议地点:深圳会展中心 5层玫瑰2厅
Venue: 5th Floor, Rose Hall 2, Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center
Participating units: decision makers from more than 100 chain drug stores and exhibitors
论坛内容: (以现场实际为准)
Forum content: (subject to the actual situations)时 间Time 内 容Content 发言人Speaker 开幕式Opening ceremony 13:30-13:40 宣布会议开始,介绍嘉宾 Call the meeting to order, and introduce the guests 主持人 Moderator 13:40-14:00 嘉宾致辞 Addressing from guests 参会领导、冠名单位Participating leaders, and title sponsorship units 药妆专题演讲Lectures on drug cosmetics 14:00-14:40 中国药妆的发展趋势及国家政策初探 A study on China's drug cosmetics development trend and national policies 行业专家或领导Industry expert or leader 14:40-15:10 国际药妆的历史与现状 History and Current Status of International Drug Cosmetics 生产企业 Manufacturer 保健食品专题演讲Lectures on health food 15:00-15:40 国家如何规范和发展保健食品、功能食品、食品等健康产业How to regulate and develop the national health food, functional food, food and other health industries 行业专家或领导 Industry expert or leader 15:40-16:10 国内外保健品的发展趋势分析 Trend analysis of domestic and foreign health food 生产企业 Manufacturer 保健用品、家用医疗用品专题演讲Lectures on health supplies and home medical supplies 16:10-16:40 中国保健用品、家用医疗用品的发展蓝皮书 Blue book for the development of China's health supplies and home medical supplies 行业领导 Industry leader 连锁药店专题Lectures on chain drug store 16:40-17:10 国内外药店药妆与保健品销售发展状况报告 A report on the development of drug cosmetics and health food sales in domestic and foreign drug store 连锁药店委员会 Chain Drug Store Committee 产品推荐专场Special fair for recommending products 17:10-17:45 赞助企业发言并推介 Addressing and Introducing from the sponsors 赞助企业 Sponsors 论坛闭幕式Forum closing ceremony 17:45-17:55 宣读“美丽健康”事业宣言书 Read the "Beauty & Health" Business Manifesto 17:55-18:00 总结闭幕 Summary for closing 美丽健康之夜Beauty & Health Night 18:00-20:00 封闭式晚宴交流会 Closed-type dinner communication meeting 赞助企业 Sponsors
Branch Forum 1: The First Forum of Health Food Functional Trend
Organizer: Health Care Consulting Service Work Committee of China Health Care Association
Co-organizer: Shanghai Lithy Food Materials Co., Ltd., Sino Peptide (Beijing) Health Technology Co., Ltd。
Forum Time: 8:30-12:00AM, September 17, 2011
会议地点:深圳会展中心 6层郁金香厅
Venue: 6th Floor, Tulip Hall, Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center
Forum Contents:
1. 中国保健品审批新动态及发展趋势解析
Analysis of New Dynamics and Development Trend of China's Health Product Approval
2. 日本保健品发展历程及主流品类分析
Analysis of Development Process and Mainstream Category of Japan's Health Products
3. 食源性低聚肽在保健食品中的应用
Application of Foodborne Oligopeptide in Health Products
4. 益生菌产品的全球发展趋势
Global Trends of Probiotic Products
5. ω-3与心脑健康
ω-3 and Cardiovascular Health
Branch Forum 2: The First Health Food E-commerce Marketing Seminar
Organizer: Health Care Consulting Service Work Committee of China Health Care Association, Taobao Mall
Forum Time: 2:00-5:00PM, September 17, 2011
会议地点:深圳会展中心 6层郁金香厅
Venue: 6th Floor, Tulip Hall, Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center
Forum Contents:
1. 电子商务平台保健食品领域发展情况及淘宝商城保健食品领域发展情况介绍。
Introduction of E-commerce Platform Development in Health Food and Taobao Mall's Development in Health Food。
2. 如何入驻淘宝商城。
How to Enter Into Taobao Mall。
3. 已成功入驻淘宝商城品牌商家分享。(康福来、康恩贝等)。
Shares from Companies Who Have Successfully Entered into Taobao Mall (KOFULE, CONBA, etc。).
4. 中国保健协会保健咨询服务工作委员会就电子商务平台保健食品产业的发展提出要求和建议。
Requirements and Recommendations for E-commerce Platform Health Food Industry made by Health Care Consulting Service Work Committee of China Health Care Association。
Branch Forum 3: The Sixth Information Exchange Meeting of China-Japan Health Food
Organizer: Health Care Consulting Service Work Committee of China Health Care Association, Japan Health Food & Nutrition food Association, Japan Health Industry Information Newspaper
会议时间:2011年9月16日 下午(13:30—17:30)
Forum Time: 1:30-5:30PM, September 16, 2011
会议地点:深圳会展中心 6层郁金香厅
Venue: 6th Floor, Tulip Hall, Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center
Forum Contents:
1. 探讨中国保健食品行业最新发展方向及相关规定,专题演讲;
Lectures on exploring the latest development and relevant provisions for China's health food industry;
2. 为日本企业新产品及技术引进中国,及中国企业寻找新产品提供信息相互交流平台;
Introducing the new products and technologies into China for the Japanese companies, and providing an information exchange platform for the Chinese companies who are looking for new products;
3. 商业洽谈,提供与中日保健食品行业企业专家面对面信息交流契机。
Commercial negotiations; providing face-to-face information exchange opportunities with the experts on China-Japan health food industry。
4. 专家讲解有关中国的保健食品及药品的法律法规。
Experts explaining the laws and regulations on China's health food and drug。
分论坛4:2011’ 中国保健食品行业市场论坛
2011 China Health Food Market Forum
-- Enterprises’ Wisdom in Transition of China Health Food Industry
1. Organizer: China Health Care Association (CHCAM)
2. Sponsor: Shuzheng Health (Beijing) Commercial Consultation Co., Ltd。
3. Date: September 17, 2011 (Whole day on Saturday)
四、论坛地点:深圳会展中心 五层玫瑰1厅
4. Venue: Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Centre (SCEC), 5/F Rose Hall 1
5. Theme: Enterprises’ Wisdom in Transition of China Health Food Industry
6. Forum Feature: Authoritative, Forward Looking, Trend Setting, Experience Sharing, Vision Exploration
7. Agenda:
Morning Session, September 17
09:20—09:40 主题致辞
09:20—09:40 Keynote Address
09:40—10:20 主题:保健食品行业过渡期环境剖析
09:40—10:20 Topic: Analysis of Transition Environment of China Health Food Industry
Unscramble current policy and market dynamics; analyze policy and market trend。
10:20—11:00 主题:过渡期保健行业相关企业都在谋什么?
10:20—11:00 Topic: What are enterprises seeking during industrial transition?
Understand how to analyze monitoring information to grasp industry dynamics。
11:00—12:00 主题:论过渡期保健行业突发机会洞察
11:00—12:00 Topic: Discussion of Pulsating with Unexpected Opportunities during Transition Dynamics
Analyze and seize over-looked opportunities with pertinent action to make breakthrough。
Afternoon Session, September 17
13:30—14:10 主题:论过渡期企业之投资智慧
13:30—14:10 Topic: Enterprises’ Investment Wisdom in Transition Dynamics
Learn investment techniques and understand investment strategies。
14:10—15:30 经验交流:超越国际水准 领导世界潮流
14:10—15:30 Experience Sharing: Surmount International Margin to Set Global Trend
By other man’s experience, one can forward farther。
15:30—17:00 Briefing and Brainstorming on Governmental Issues: Health Food Industry Manufacturer Credit Score Classification and Management
Understand government’s agenda, prepare for taking new actions, actively participate in governmental issues, and find the niche for breakthrough opportunity。
The Fourth (2011) Beauty Industry Wealth-creating Forum & China Health Care Association - Weight-Losing Branch Annual Meeting
Forum topics:
1、 营养保健与减肥——营养素与中医养生在体重控制领域的应用学术专场
1. Nutritional health and weight loss - A special academic forum on nutrient and TCM applications on weight control
2. Weight loss market disciplines - National standard formulation and exploration for weight loss service technologies时间(2011-9-17) 主题 主讲人 上午: 10:20-11:00 营养保健与减肥Nutritional health and weight loss 迎接体控新时代Facing the new age of weight control 李萍 Liping 11:05-11:40 营养与体重控制管理Nutrition and weight control 刘天鹏Liu Tianpeng 11:45-12:30 亚健康监测和后期干预Sub-health monitoring and treatment
杨增 Yangzeng 下午: 13:30-14:30 减肥市场规范
Weight loss market disciplines 体重控制管理市场规范Weight control market standardization 徐小旺 Xu Xiaowang 11:05-11:40 肥胖与疾病Fatness and illness 赵宗超 Zhao Zongchao 14:35-14:45 美容保健的市场规范cosmetology market standardization 吴月兰 Wu
Yuelan 14:50-16:45 中医药与体重控制管理Traditional Chinese medicine and weight control 中医科学院
会议时间:2011年9月17日 9:00-17:00
Forum Time: 9:00-17:00, September 17, 2011
Enterprise Meeting: "Jointly leading 2011 marketing Blue Ocean with Hexin Pharmaceutical, and creating the fourth "Golden Age"; new product introduction meeting on edible and medicinal fungi for hepatogastric therapy
Organizer: Harbin Zhongsheng Beiyao Bioengineering Development Co., Ltd
会议时间:2011年9月17日 上午(8:30-12:00)
Meeting Time: 8:30-12:00AM, September 17, 2011
会议地点:深圳会展中心 5层玫瑰2厅
Venue: 5th Floor, Rose Hall 2, Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center
Meeting Content: Present development of edible and medicinal fungi and enterprise R&D driving force
主 讲 :陈喜军博士,众生国际生物医药工程技术中心 众生国际博士后科研工作站
Speaker: Dr. Chen Xijun, Johnsun International Engineering and Research Center for Medicinal Purposes (Johnsun International Postdoctoral Scientific Research Station)
The First Daring-way (China) Brain Health Future Development Forum
The day, September 16, coincides with China's Twelfth "Brain Health Day." In order to promote the development of China's brain health, "China Medical Exchange and Promotion Association - Brain Health Professional Committee" has been established, which was initiated by Tsinghua Daring Company and jointly advocated by the well-known experts from Tsinghua University, Peking University and Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences as well as other areas across the country. The forum will open a new era of brain health care。
Guests and speakers that are proposed to invite:
Li Yilin, Professor of Peking University and Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, China's leading brain imaging expert, the first person to introduce CT in China;
Dr. Lan Jie, Shanghai Jiaotong University, returned overseas Chinese from the U.S.;
南京大学 生物医学院周昕博士;
Dr. Zhou Xin, School of Biology Medicine of Nanjing University;
Relevant neurological experts from Shenzhen People's Hospital;
Media units from Shenzhen, Guangdong, and the whole country;
演讲主题: 开创脑健康时代新纪元
Topic: Create a new era for brain health
活动时间: 2011年9月16日下午13:30-16:00
Time: 13:00-16:00, September 16, 2011
活动地点: 深圳会展中心4号馆入口处主活动区
Venue: Main activity area at the entrance of Hall 4, Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center